About Us » School Handbook 2024-2025

School Handbook 2024-2025





Beaverlodge Elementary School

Bag 1500, BEAVERLODGE, AB    T0H 0C0

Telephone (780) 354-2446     



Maximizing Education Experiences for All Students



  • We are a “Caring School” - All students at Beaverlodge Elementary School will receive the best possible education we can provide.
  • We are an “Adaptive School” - Beaverlodge Elementary School will continue to adapt to changes in curricula and teaching technologies and will incorporate these technologies into our teaching practices.
  • We are a “Responsible School” - Students will be aware of their responsibilities for both their learning and their behavior and these expectations will be effectively communicated to all members of our school community.



Welcome to Beaverlodge Elementary School. As a school community, we are very excited to work with our students, their parents and our wider school community. At BES we have many programs in place that we continue to support annually such as: Healthy Interactions, Safe and Caring Schools, Healthy Schools – Healthy Futures, Active Living, Safety Patrol, Classroom Champions, Grade 6 Leadership, Second Language (French), Quality Daily Physical Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Empowered Reading and Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI). We work hard to foster effective two-way communication among students, staff, board members, parents, and the community at large. Effective communication helps ensure that all individuals are working toward the same educational goals for the children they serve. 

Our students come to us with many expectations, needs, hopes and dreams.  Each child is unique.  To meet their diverse needs, we remain committed to being a Caring, Adaptive and Responsible school.  We sincerely want Beaverlodge Elementary School to be a special place for ALL of our students’, parents’ and staff. 


Mrs. S. Rey

 Phone: 780-354-2446

E-Mail: [email protected]



We hold regular monthly assemblies at the end of each month (See calendar for specific dates & times). At our assemblies, we recognize the contributions and accomplishments of our students and staff. Parents are always welcome to attend. Our assembly times are held at 11:15 or 2:30. Please reference the monthly calendar for dates and times.




Students are expected to attend regularly and arrive on time for classes.  Chronic absence, missing more than 15% of the month’s instructional days, may be reported to the PWSD Attendance Officer for possible further action.  Please call the school if your child is going to be absent from school.  It is the responsibility of the student to catch up on work missed. Students may not leave the school grounds during the school day without WRITTEN parental permission each time. 



8:25         Preparation for Classes

12:35         Warning Bell    

8:30        Classes Begin

12:40         Classes Begin

10:00      Recess Break

2:10           Recess Break

10:10      Warning Bell

2:20           Warning Bell

10:30      Classes Begin

2:25           Classes Begin

12:00      Lunch 

3:25           Agenda Bell

12:15      Warning Bell

3:30           Dismissal

12:20      Noon Recess


Should you wish to contact a teacher, please use the above schedule as your guide, so that teachers do not need to be called away from their classroom during their instructional time. 


School doors do not open until 8:25 am in the morning. Students arriving at school before that time are unsupervised. Supervision begins at 8:25am and ends with the departure of the buses at 3:40pm. 



All students have a common lunch break from 12:00 - 12:20 and then recess immediately follows until 12:40.


A few things to note include:

  1. BES is a peanut aware school.
  2. Students are discouraged to share food
  3. Food provided by the family will be stored with the student’s belongings
  4. All students are encouraged to wash their hands before and after eating
  5. Please try to send food in containers/packages that your child can open themselves (adults will assist when necessary and having items that can be opened independently will reduce the amount of contact that others have with your child’s lunch items)
  6. Most classrooms have a microwave for heating up lunches (teachers may have routines to help mitigate how many children are requiring to use the microwave each day)


A student may carry only normal school items on the bus. If your child wishes to carry other materials, please consult with your bus driver as they are the final authority in deciding what materials might constitute a hazard if transported on the bus.  Please advise the bus driver accordingly if a student will not be returning home on the bus if they traveled to school on it in the morning.


Students who do not follow bus rules will be reported to the school principal.  Depending on the severity of the misconduct, a student's bus privileges may be suspended for a period of time. Remember that the bus is an extension of the classroom and the school. The bus driver has full authority on the bus and students are expected to comply with their requests.



We have also prepared a Year-at-a-Glance which will be sent home to each family in early September.



Please remember to call the school office at 354-2446 before 8:30 am if your child is going to be absent. Parents of children not in school each morning will be called.  If there is no answer an entry is made in the Child Watch records.



School buses will run throughout the winter with the exception of severely cold days.  The temperature at the Grande Prairie Airport determines these days.  If this temperature is -40 degrees C or lower, the buses will not run.  This will be decided at 6:00 am and will be announced over our local radio stations. You can also check the PWSD website for Bus Cancellations. The web address is www.pwsd76.ab.ca. The school will remain open on such days.


In the event of inclement weather during the school day, (e.g., -25 including wind chill) the school buzzers will ring three times in a row at recess or noon for the students to remain in the school.  Otherwise, pupils are expected to go outside.



At Beaverlodge Elementary School, maintaining the dignity of each person, in all situations, is crucial in managing behavior.  Effective discipline comes from the belief that teaching individuals to take responsibility for their behavior, and providing them opportunities to practice these skills, is more motivating in creating behavioral changes than teaching individuals to be obedient in order to avoid punishment. By implementing logical and consistent consequences, and by providing individuals with opportunities to become responsible and caring members of the community, they will learn about their behavior, their choices, and their impact on others while still maintaining their dignity.


Pupils at Beaverlodge Elementary School are required to:

  1. Attend regularly and punctually.
  2. Be clean in person and appropriately clothed.
  3. Be diligent in their studies.
  4. Be kind and courteous to classmates.
  5. Be cooperative and respectful to all school staff when going to, attending and returning from school.
  6. Be respectful of the property of the school. 
  7. Conform to the policies and regulations of the school.

In order to assist students with appropriate behavior the school has developed four school rules of which positive and negative consequences are directly related.  They are as follows:

  1. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind words to yourself.
  3. Always get a teacher's permission before entering the school.
  1. Walk and KEEP TO THE RIGHT in the school at all times.

As well, there are four steps to problem solving that the students are taught.  

  1. Ignore the person.
  2. Walk away.
  3. Ask the person to stop.
  4. Get help from an adult.

These steps are for incidents that a student should be able to handle on their own.  More serious offenses are to be reported immediately to the supervisor.


Failure to follow the school rules or general rules of etiquette should result in:

  1. A verbal warning
  2. Removal of the student to another area
  3. If there is a severe problem the student is to be sent directly to the office where he/she will be seen by the School Administration.  The parents are contacted and informed of the incident.

A pupil who is guilty of habitually not following behavior guidelines and/or breaking school rules may be suspended from class by a teacher or from school or riding a school bus by the School Administration.  Students who willfully damage school property will be required to compensate for their actions through direct payment to the Peace Wapiti School Board or to the school itself, such as in the case of lost/damaged library/classroom books.



  1.  All infractions will be recorded. The homeroom teacher will receive a copy of the behavior form.    
  2. For Minor Infractions, it is the responsibility of the “adult in charge” (teacher, administrator, lunchroom supervisor, volunteer, etc.) to intervene and assign natural consequences that may be warranted. If it is not the homeroom teacher who initially intervenes, the behavior form and subsequent consequence will be communicated to the home-room teacher. Parent(s) may be notified by the homeroom teacher.
  3. For Major Infractions, an administrator will be involved in the process.  Parent(s) will be notified.
  4. Each incident will be treated on its own merit.


At Beaverlodge Elementary School, we believe that good judgment and good taste are important attributes to instill in our students. The dress code is aimed at establishing and maintaining reasonable standards of dress for all school activities. Good taste and judgment in the selection of clothing worn to school is expected. We believe that our school is a place of learning and we expect all students and staff should dress appropriately.  To that end, we expect our students and staff to follow the following Dress Code.

  1. Clothing should not compromise modesty (undergarments should remain covered).
  2. Please be respectful with the use of cologne, perfume, body spray and deodorant, as many people are sensitive/allergic to these smells
  3. Obscenity and violence are not tolerated in our school; therefore, clothing and personal belongings with obscene sayings are not acceptable. For example: drug paraphernalia/sayings, violent scenes or inappropriate messages, beer/alcohol logos, sexual or drug connotation, disrespectful messages.
  4. Shoes must be worn at all times in case of an evacuation drill.
  5. Hats and toques are not to be worn inside the school. Hats can be worn on casual Fridays and assembly days.


As per PWSD#76 policy IFCI “Drug & Alcohol Use by Students”, it is forbidden for any student at BES to be under the influence, or have possession of, any banned substances such as alcohol or illegal drugs. Students who contravene this policy will be suspended from school under PWSD#76 policy IGD “Student Suspension/Expulsion”. 



We recommend that students leave all electronic devices (including, but not limited to, smart phones, laptops, iPads, MP3 players, smart watches, AirPods  and Game Boys) at home.  Should it be necessary to bring such items to school, the student is responsible for the item at all times. In certain circumstances, however, electronic devices may be used in instructional settings at the teacher’s discretion. Due to privacy issues (FOIPP) and the potential for disruption, activities such as making phone calls, texting, taking pictures and videos are prohibited, unless these activities are part of the educational program as directed by the teacher. Inappropriate use of electronic devices anytime during the school day, which includes during recess breaks, will result in the device being confiscated and brought to the office. Parents will then be contacted to come and pick up their child’s device at their convenience. 



Our school has a Facebook where we post such things as Weekly Reminders and Special Events in the school. Our Facebook address is https://www.facebook.com/beaverlodgeelementary/ . Check it out!



Students at BES are not supposed to chew gum at school. It is often found in inappropriate places and more importantly, chewing gum poses a safety hazard in gym classes and on the playground. Teachers, at their discretion, may allow their students to chew gum under certain circumstances (taking tests, speech therapy).



Beaverlodge Elementary School participates in the Healthy Interactions program. This program provides parents and teachers with a consistent approach when dealing with their concerns at the school/district level. The Healthy Interactions process ensures that:

  • Concerns are dealt with in an open, honest manner as close to the source of the concern as possible.
  • Concerns are defined so all people are clear on what the issues are.
  • The interests of all parties (parents, teachers, students, others) involved are identified.
  • Alternative solutions are considered.
  • An action plan is developed to address the concern(s).
  • Follow up as necessary is taken.

We hope that if you have an issue or concern that you would like to discuss with someone at the school that you will follow the protocol outlined below.

  1. Discuss the matter privately with the staff member and seek to resolve the issue.
  2. If necessary, discuss the matter privately with the school administration.
  3. The parent or the staff member can request a joint meeting with the school administration to resolve the issue.
  4. If necessary, discuss the matter privately with the superintendent.
  5. If necessary, appeal the matter to the Board, and
  6. If necessary, appeal to the Minister of Learning.

It is proven that direct communication between two parties involved can often clear up misunderstandings and help to address concerns and solve problems. If you would like more information, please contact the school at 354-2446. 



We actively promote Active Living and Healthy Lifestyles through a variety of programs in our school. Our program centers around the Four Pillars of Comprehensive School Health (Healthy School Policy, Social and Physical Environment, Partnerships and Services and Teaching & Learning). We have developed several programs in our school such as our Special Lunches, Snack Shack, Intramurals and our monthly campaigns Bulletin Board/Newsletter,  and classroom water coolers. These new programs have integrated nicely with our existing healthy school programs such as our Breakfast Bins, Walk Wednesdays and Active Living Program. Our Healthy Schools Coordinator is Mrs. Brown.



At times, your child may be given homework to help them internalize, or review, the concepts that they learn at school. To that end, parents can be of valuable assistance to the school by helping their child develop effective study habits. Below are seven tips to help parents help their children develop better study habits.

  • Practice – It takes time to learn how to study. Set aside regular time for children to study.
  • Routine - Developing a study routine will turn studying into a habit, which will help them excel in school.
  • Environment - Choosing a suitable area to study can be of great benefit to your child. Choose an area with proper lighting, ventilation, temperature, furniture, and solitude.
  • Health - Schoolwork demands a healthy mind and body. A good night’s sleep, healthy diet, and exercise go a long way to ensure a healthy mind and body.
  • Attitude - Stress the importance of schoolwork. Remind them that school IS THEIR JOB for the first 18 years of their life. CELEBRATE THEIR SUCCESSES AT SCHOOL.
  • Encouragement and Support - A pat on the back is a wonderful motivator for children. Children who regularly receive encouragement from their parents do better in school.
  • Memory and Thinking - Learning is not just memorizing. It involves drawing relationships between, and understanding the principles behind, the facts that children learn at school. A GREAT TIP - HAVE YOUR CHILD TEACH YOU WHAT THEY LEARNED AT SCHOOL THAT DAY. Research has repeatedly shown us that the best way to learn something is to have to teach it to someone else.


PWSD # 76 offers a number of support programs for children who have been identified as requiring inclusive educational services.  All students with specific learning needs, long or short-term, are included in their homeroom class.  Pull out is minimal, in most cases. Programs may be modified, or specific skill areas worked on to meet the student's needs.  Should you feel that your child might have a special need that qualifies him/her for an inclusive education program, please contact your child’s teacher.  The teacher, in consultation with you, may then decide that a more formal assessment is required.   If, as a result of the assessment, the school determines that the child is in need of a inclusive program a Student Support Team will be set up.  This team is composed of the child’s parents, teacher and may also include the school’s inclusive education teacher/inclusive coach, administration and other appropriate professionals.  The goal of this team is to develop and implement an Individualized Program Plan (IPP) for the student.   The IPP will outline the student’s long and short-term learning goals, where the instruction will take place, who will provide the program and how long it will take. 


As a parent, you play an important role on this team.   You have the right to be involved in the decisions of this team and have the right to appeal any placement decisions made by the team.   To become an effective member of the team, it is helpful to maintain ongoing communication with the school so that you are aware of your child’s progress, and you are able to share information relating to the specific needs of your child.


Should you wish for more information on the inclusive education programs at our school, please contact your child’s teacher.



Counseling services are available to students in Kindergarten through Grade 6. We offer an in-school part-time counselor, and we also can access several outside agencies to provide varying degrees of support dependent on student need. Support can be offered individually or in group settings, and all referrals will be triaged based on urgency and space available at each tiered level of support. Please contact your child’s homeroom teacher with any concerns. They will work with administration to ensure that we can provide your child with the right level of support.



In school student accident insurance is provided by Peace Wapiti Public School Division No. 76.  Additional information is available through the office.


Students will be assigned lockers.  It should be noted that lockers are the property of the Peace Wapiti School Board; therefore, school staff have access to all the lockers.  There are no locks on the lockers and students are not allowed to bring locks from home to use at school. 



Parents are encouraged to mark names onto their child's belongings.  Parents are encouraged to look through Lost and Found boxes for missing items.  Materials left will be donated to a worthy cause close to each school break. (Winter, Spring and Summer)



The Board of Education policy requires that:

  1. Education employees act, as would a reasonable and prudent parent
  2. Employees DO NOT have all the authority that a parent would have, i.e. employees DO NOT have the authority to provide consent for the medical treatment of a student.
  3. Non-prescription drugs such as, but not limited to, aspirin shall not be:
  4. Purchased on the accounts of the Board or school.
  5. Distributed to any student enrolled in a school operated by the Board.
  6. If, under exceptional circumstances, prescription drugs, life support medication (e.g., insulin) or medication for allergies is required to be administered or monitored by school staff, detailed instructions must be filed with the school and signed by parent / guardian and doctor.  More information regarding these exceptional circumstances will be provided to those affected.
  7. The parent/ guardian must fill out a form to identify any medical problem that a student may have.
  8. In the case of serious injury, appropriate first aid and transport action to our nearby hospital shall be taken. Parents / guardians shall be notified immediately or at the earliest opportunity, since only they can give legal consent for medical treatment.


We use the flagpole at the south end of the school as a meeting place.  This has proved to be very successful in reducing the congestion at the North end of the school.  If you are meeting your children or have older students meeting younger students, please instruct them to meet each other at the flagpole.  After buses leave, any children left at the flagpole will receive assistance by the teacher on supervision to make sure they arrive home safely.



Milk, chocolate and white, is sold for $1.00 per 250ml container during lunch.  The milk can be bought on a daily, monthly or yearly basis.  There is a modest saving realized with monthly and yearly purchase of milk.   Forms to pre-order milk are included in the school newsletters.



Newsletters are now published every  month, usually during the last week of the month.  Our Newsletter is now electronic and is posted on our school website. The school website address is as follows: http://www.pwsd76.ab.ca/schools/bes/Pages/default.aspx. You can also receive our newsletter electronically by email. Please visit us on our website and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the page. Like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest happenings at B.E.S.



Beaverlodge Elementary School recognizes that a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet are integral parts of growth and development.  An increasing amount of research draws connections between student health and potential for learning.  Therefore our school will create an environment for good nutrition, active living and lifelong well-being by encouraging healthy eating and exercise for all students and staff.



  • Each staff will implement and maintain a school nutrition policy on an annual basis.
  • The beverage consumed by students during instructional time will be water.
  • Healthy food choices will be outlined during instructional time.
  • Staff will assist students to develop strategies that promote nutritional and healthy choices.
  • If staff members use snacks or treats as a “reward” for students, it needs to be done in moderation.
  • Students are encouraged to start every day with a healthy breakfast and breakfast bins are available to ensure that this happens.
  • Our First Recess / Nutrition Break snack is strongly encouraged to be a healthy snack from the “Choose Most Often” category. (Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly recommended). Students can access the Snack Shack if they did not bring a Healthy Snack to school.
  • Our second snack of the day can be an anything snacks.
  • A milk program is available to ensure students get the recommended servings of dairy.
  • Education is done through the health and science curriculums at appropriate grade levels.  
  • Active living is encouraged through numerous school programs such as Active Living, Daily Physical Education, Walk Wednesday as well as through special programs such as the Terry Fox Run, Jump Rope for Heart and our Healthy Schools Healthy Futures project. 


Students can come to the office if they need to make a phone call as long as they have permission from their teacher. After school plans with friends are to be made before coming to school and we ask that parents keep their telephone messages for students to a minimum as relaying messages places an added strain on office staff. Student cell phones are not to be used at school.



Beaverlodge Elementary School offers a Junior Kindergarten Program to provide educational programming to the pre-school students in our community. This year, we have programming for 3 and 4 old students, as well as those identified as “Early Entry” by Alberta Education, who receive their education through the PUF and Mild Moderate programs which are delivered through our Junior Kindergarten Program. Students who turn 3 or 4 years old by December 31st can enroll in this program. Registration is held in late March or Early April at the school.



All students receive instruction in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Music, Computers, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education. Grades 4 to 6 students also study French as a second language. 



Measures used to assess and evaluate student achievement are based on the student’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes as defined in the curriculum. Curriculum Handbooks for Parents covering the various subjects for each grade are available through the school.


A variety of methods will be used to assess individual achievement and growth.  These methods may include teacher observation, oral and written assignments, projects and tests, performance-based assessments, teacher developed tests, and externally developed tests.


The results of standardized tests are placed in the student's records and can be accessed by parents upon request.  If parents wish to view these test results, they may arrange an appointment with the school administration.


Report cards will be issued in December, March and June.  Prior to the first written report card, parent-teacher interviews are held in October.  Interviews are also conducted following the March written report.  Additional conferences may be requested at any time during the year.



The Beaverlodge Elementary School Council provides an excellent venue for parents, teachers and the community to come together to talk about educational issues at our school.

The purpose of the School Council is:

  • To support the activities of the school.
  • To advise school personnel and the Board with respect to school related matters.
  • To provide liaison between the school and the community.
  • To perform any duty delegated to it by the Board.

To promote attendance at school council meetings, complimentary childcare is provided. Meetings are usually held monthly on a 2nd Tuesday of the month from 4:00-5:00 pm. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in September.



School fees are set each May after consultation with the School Council.  Revenue generated from the collection of school fees supports a variety of activities throughout the school.  Failure to pay these fees will result in limiting a student’s access to special events and activities.  Please note that alternate payment arrangements can be made with the school administration, so please do not hesitate to call the school if necessary.



This program is organized with the Grade Five and Six students.  Since the establishment of the AMA School Safety Patrol program, not a single accident has occurred at the crosswalks around the school - a record of which we are justifiably proud.  All students and parents are encouraged to obey the school safety patrols so that their well-being may be assured in the future.  Please remember the reason for the rules and guidelines at dismissal time are to ensure the safety of your children as they cross the street.  Parents are asked to co-operate by dropping children off and picking them up in the staff parking lot.  Please DO NOT PARK in the crosswalks or on the school side of 5th Avenue between 8:00-9:00 am and 3:00-4:00 pm as this space is reserved for the school buses.


Staff Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month. Please note that students will be dismissed at 3:00 pm on those days.


Classroom placement is the result of much thought and consultation.  

Student placements for the upcoming school year take a great deal of teacher time.  The factors considered in determining which class students are placed in for the upcoming year, are as follows:

  1. Ratio of boys to girls
  2. Academic ability of students
  3. Behavior record and attitude of students
  4. Relationship amongst peers
  5. Personality of students
  6. Personality of teachers
  7. Teaching styles used. 

After June 1st, School Administration, the Inclusive Ed Coordinator and Teachers from each grade level will meet together to place students.  They balance classes taking into consideration the above criteria.  Making changes after their meeting results in unbalanced classes and students who need to be kept apart ending up together. This is not fair to the other students or to the teachers.  Therefore, parent requests for class placements will be considered, but may not be honored. Due to Freedom of Information & Privacy Protection (FOIP) legislation, class lists are posted outside the office area on the day before classes begin during our Meet the Teacher Drop in.


We recommend that students leave all valuables at home. Should it be necessary to bring such items to school, he/she is RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ITEM.  Due to privacy issues and the potential for disruption, cell phones are NOT to be used at school, unless requested by a teacher for educational programming. Inappropriate use of cell phones and other electronic devices will result in the device being confiscated and parents contacted to come and pick up the device at their convenience.



Volunteer forms are sent home with the students in mid-September, and we would like to thank all of those parents who are able to donate some of their time.  If you are able to participate in our parent volunteer program but did not receive a form, please contact your child's teacher. All school volunteers MUST sign in at the office before beginning their duties. PWSD #76 Insurance coverage and WCB coverage are contingent on volunteers signing in at the school. We also request that all persons volunteering time in our school abide by the Volunteer Code of Ethics outlined below.

  • Respect the confidentiality of the teacher and the children, and refrain from discussing them outside the school situation.  If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, share them with the teacher or administrator, in that order.
  • Remember that the teacher is the professional in charge of the classroom.  The teacher will assign tasks to volunteers, which in his/her opinion are in the best educational interests of all of the children in the classroom.
  • Practice tolerance and respect towards the students and teachers with whom you are in contact.  Be sensitive to the teaching role.  Strive for acceptance of all the children.
  • Notify the teacher in advance if you would like to volunteer in the classroom.  Remember that there may be times when your help is not needed.  Understand that different teachers and classes have different requirements for outside help.
  • Be dependable.  If you agree to undertake a task, follow it through by attending at the times and dates arranged. Be realistic about the amount of time you can spend.  If you must be late or absent, arrange for an acceptable substitute or inform the school in advance.
  • Understand that the classroom is designed as a place of learning, not of babysitting.  Younger children are very distracting to a class and arrangements for their care outside the school should be made before your volunteer session.
  • Please remember to sign in at the main office before you begin your volunteer duties. WCB and PWSD #76 Insurance regulations require that all volunteers working in a school setting sign in before their session begins. 
  • Volunteers play an important role in modeling Safe Practices.  As a volunteer, we need your support in ensuring a safe place for all. You are expected to help by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. This legislation expects you to follow all Health & Safety guidelines which include taking reasonable steps to protect Health & Safety of yourself and others.

We would like to thank all of our volunteers for the important contribution you are making to the education of the children at Beaverlodge Elementary School.



Students are not to be riding their bikes, skateboards, rip-sticks, scooters or wheelie shoes on the school property. Students may ride their bikes, skateboards, rip sticks or scooters to and from school but must store their bikes at the bike racks and their skateboards, rip-sticks, or scooters in their classroom or locker until the end of the day. Students are NOT allowed to bring Wheelie Shoes to school at all. If students abuse this privilege, their vehicle will be confiscated, and parents will be asked to come and pick it up at the school.